In case you were not aware the federal government ends its fiscal year September 30th every year. The fourth quarter is therefore Jul-Aug-Sept. This affects a firm’s federal marketing strategy as generally it is easier to make your second sale to the federal government once you have made connections and have past performance. Therefore making a push for your first sale in the fourth quarter when it is easiest is often a very good strategy.
Federal Acquisition Spending By Quarter
-Q1 has accounted for 21.4% of total fiscal year spending.
-Q2 has accounted for 24.2% of total fiscal year spending.
-Q3 has accounted for 22.4% of total fiscal year spending.
-Q4 has accounted for 32.0% of total fiscal year spending.
Breaking this trend down by quarter does not do it as much justice as looking at federal spending on a month by month basis. As you can see by the below graph September has been the dominant month for federal sales in the past two years.
It is not too late to begin going after the right opportunities in the federal marketplace.